Shamanic healing in the heart of Åre

Private sessions for energetic grounding, alignment and activation

”Everything is vibration and is vibration is everything”

Private energy sessions

We offer an array of onsite and online sessions

– from shamanic healing rituals to cutting-edge therapy technologies

Shamanic Energy Healing

  • Somatic energy healing
  • Multi-dimensional energy healing
  • Icaros
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Shamanic Sound Journey

  • Vibrational sound healing
  • Drum journey
  • Icaros
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Multi-Vibrational Field Therapy

  • Dream MachineTM photostimulation hypnosis
  • HigherDOSETM infrared PEMF mat
  • Therapeutic music
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”Études har sparat oss tusentals timmars arbete och har gett oss insikter som vi aldrig trodde var möjliga.”

Annie Steiner

VD, Greenprint